Youngster arbitrarily shoots young deer living at Florida sanctuary

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At the Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary in Gainesville, Florida, with a “driving mission to promote compassion for farm animals through rescue and education,” on Sunday, sadly announced a young deer, named Pala, was shot and killed by a youngster apparently just looking for something to shoot.

For the past few months, the sanctuary had the wild deer living there; it is thought Pala’s mother may have died and as a fawn, she arrived at the farm and settled in nicely. The staff happily watched her grow up – from losing her spots to doing “zoomies all over the fields.” The doe bonded with the herd especially Pepper and Truffles. On occasion, she cuddled up to Buffalo – the herd becoming bonded with the young doe.

On Sunday morning, several gunshots rang out; as if the shots came from the backyard of the sanctuary.

“The person who lives up on the hill adjacent to our property shot Pala. We drove out frantically to see if she was still alive. We found her surrounded by her moopeople–pictured here–who were trying to figure out why she wasn’t moving. She wasn’t alive. The bullet ripped a hole right through her tiny body,” the organization posted on their social media page below the heartbreaking photo of the herd unable to understand why their young friend wasn’t moving.


The sheriff was called and the shooter was a hunter who had not found anything to shoot Sunday morning, and when he saw Pala, he decided to shoot her.

“He apologized profusely. He was polite as I shouted tear-filled obscenities at him. He helped bury her.

I believe he was genuinely sorry. The problem is, he was sorry he killed OUR deer. He was sorry he upset us. But he’s not sorry a deer is dead. Pala, and all animals…”

Sadly, Pala came to the sanctuary because she wanted to be safe. Rest in peace little one – how little life means for some people.

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  1. I pray the wrath of our beloved Creator finds this VILE THUG with a beating from a bat that leaves every bone in his HATE FILLED body BROKEN, with attention paid to his head. I want this demon spawned LIAR to be left blind, deaf and cripple for LIFE, thereby stopping him from this again. It’s called “eye for an eye” folks, deal with it.

  2. The cows looked so sad. He still should have been arrested for killing the deer on private property. I don’t care how sorry he was. He killed just to kill and that is the most dangerous kind of human there is.


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