Two million chickens to be put down at factory farms in Delaware and Maryland

2 million chickens to be killed
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The Covid-19 pandemic is hitting every aspect of life, from the shut down of countless businesses, and ongoing quarantines, to the apparent beginnings of fracture in the nation’s food supply chain. As reported by CNN, an estimated 2 million chickens will be put down in Maryland and Delaware because processing plants are losing employees.

The news agency reports that fewer employees are showing up to work because of Covid-related guidelines. Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc. explains the impact in a statement:

“additional community cases of COVID-19, additional testing, and people practicing the ‘stay home if you’re sick’ social distancing guidance from public health officials.”

The company claims to have “exhausted” alternatives for the chickens, who will be “humanely depopulated.” The company stated:

“If no action were taken, the birds would outgrow the capacity of the chicken house to hold them.”

Many food-related industries are currently taking a hit because of the pandemic. Milk is being dumped, vegetables discarded, cows “culled,” and chickens slaughtered. What this ultimately results in for our nation’s food supply remains to be seen.

(Pixabay image)

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