Tiny dog wrapped in towel and left in plastic bag on edge of road

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A Good Samaritan had been on her way to work driving along DeSoto Road in Horn Lake on Friday, when she saw a plastic bag moving on the edge of the road. She stopped and tore open the plastic garbage bag. Inside was little Chikara wrapped up in a towel. He was still breathing and was crying. Charlie’s Crusaders Pet Rescue  was called to help; they immediately responded.

“Donna carried him to Horn Lake Animal Hospital. Chikara is in really bad shape. Please say a prayer for this sweet little puppy. I hope he survives. Thank you Julie for noticing him and getting him help,” the rescue organization posted on their Facebook page.

When Chikara arrived at the vet, x-rays revealed he had a fracture on the right side of his head from a hard blow. The fracture is curable and will heal. Unfortunately his lungs are in bad shape. After his bath, he was started on intravenous fluids and antibiotics.

He remains in critical condition and continues to have an elevated white blood count and is anemic from blood loss. The blood in his lungs was likely caused from Chikara suffocating in the bag and trying hard to breathe. He is being kept warm, hydrated and continues to receive antibiotics.

“He is resting as comfortably as they can make him.”

Chikara is a fighter and is hanging in there. As of Saturday, he was resting, his heartbeat remains normal and he did urinate during the night. His condition still remains critical.

He’s a tough little guy. Updates to follow.

Please donate towards his medical care if you can. Paypal: [email protected].

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  1. This poor precious little treasure…… Whoever abused him deserves to burn in Hell forever for his cruelty…… this POS has a reserved space in Hell waiting…… he can’t get to Hell fast enough……

    I hope precious little treasure Chikara recovers ASAP and is rehomed to a loving furever family where he will be treated as a beloved family member…….


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