Someone cut off a 3-month-old puppy’s paws: Now she is being helped

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In Lake Charles, Louisiana, a three-month-old puppy was found in a box over the weekend. Her front paws had been cut off and the stumps had been wrapped tightly with duct tape.

According to Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue, it is not known if what was done was intentional, but nevertheless the puppy, now named Lady Mae has a long road to recovery.

“The people that found her said she had duct tape wrapped so tight they could barely get it off and when the did they were heart broken at what they found.

Just two infected stumps.

And this sweet little baby never made a peep while they were taking off the “bandages” and trying to help her.

She never made a peep at the vets office either.
Just a sweet little innocent life with two infected stumps where her front paws should be.”

Lady Mae will undergo surgery to remove some of the bones sticking out. She will then need a wheelchair and it is hoped she will be able to be fitted with prostheses.

Check out her video:

Lady Mae is at Lake Area Animal Hospital, and has become quite a popular little celebrity with her excellent disposition and a fully “waggable ” tail.

To help with Lady Mae’s recovery,  PayPal to [email protected].
And donations CAN be called into our vet when they open on Monday!!
Their number is 337-479-1199 care of Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue and Lady Mae.

I understand the want to adopt this baby. She has a LONG WAY to go before she will be available. She already has foster care.

We have a plethora of dogs that need to be adopted and fostered so we can continue to take cases like this.

Get well soon Lady Mae. Everyone seems to be in love with your already.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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  1. Oh dear God, I can’t take it anymore…I pray You inspire someone to NUKE this ENTIRE WORLD full of EVIL DEMONS at every f*****g corner. I am DONE!

  2. Why? Thats the only thing i can think. Why, what was the point in cutting off a puppies paws? Poor baby, sending lots of love and prayers. -sorry baby girl that some humans are worthless pieces of shit bastards!


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