Rescuers angry – skeletal dog surrendered on death’s door

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Texas rescuers are angry, make that outraged, that someone surrendered their skeletal dog…seemingly without a care in the world over her dismal state of health. The pitiful situation was brought to light by Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform on Tuesday. The rescue group shared photos of the emaciated dog and recounted their anger, and what is known about the situation:

What the actual F#%+?
I am sorry but this is a OWNER SURRENDER they did not even have the courage to leave her name! She is an 8 year old female owner surrender not altered. She’s in horrible condition, emaciated, cannot stand, has a golf ball sized tumor on her shoulder, is shaking. She was brought into the shelter and handed off as if she has meant nothing to this family!

Adding words of disbelief and disgust:

I understand you may not have the strength to say goodbye but this is CRUELTY or at least NEGLECT. They watched her shrivel up to nothing, they basically watched her die!! If this isn’t cruelty what is?
She’s severely malnourished and has severe loss of muscle. She can not even hold her head up to eat it just took to much energy!


The rescue provided an update about the dog they are now calling “Theodora.”

You are lifeless and non responsive however you are breathing and I am not even sure if you know your finally safe that you found your advocate your voice, your person! DogRRR will fight for you we will do whatever is necessary to have your story told! How badly I want to wrap my arms around you and tell you that you are loved and we are here for you!!
She is being transferred this morning to our specialist although I am dreading that conversation as if I already know how it is going to go! I feel her HOPE is fading and that she just may not have the strength to come back from the HELL that her family let her get to, they waited to long! They let her just shrivel up to a skeleton and watched life fade away!


You can donate at
Venmo @Dallas-DogRRR

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  1. You can ALWAYS count on “certain DEMON spawned states” to bring forth the WORST of VILE THUGS. Texas is so fucking evil, I would drive 500 miles out of my way to avoid it. If I were a parent in Texas, I’d be furious as these people ARE a danger to society, but EVIDENTLY YOU parents there are of the SAME MINDSET as YOU allow people to beat, rape, and torture animals, CHILDREN, BABIES and women to DEATH! Also a state that WANTS COVID SPREAD TO EVERYONE. I would NOT help ANY ONE from Texas if I found you on the road bleeding to death. Same with law enforcement there, I’d stop long enough to SPIT and SHIT on your face, that’s about it.


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