Rare blue lobster finds solace in ‘Man Cave’ instead of dinner plate

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A rare blue lobster scheduled to be the catch of the day at a seafood restaurant in Akron, Ohio is instead waiting out his quarantine period in so-called “Man Cave” tank at the Akron Zoo in Ohio.

According to the zoo, the crustacean was about to become someone’s dinner on Saturday when a restaurant employee at the Cuyahoga Falls Red Lobster noticed the blue color among the live lobster delivery.

“The connection between the Akron Zoo and Red Lobster came from a conservation partnership called Seafood Watch. The program, run by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, strives to help consumers and businesses choose seafood that is farmed sustainably and fished in ways to support a healthy ocean. Both the Akron Zoo and Red Lobster are conservation partners with Seafood Watch.”

After Red Lobster employees discovered the blue lobster they named Clawde after their mascot, they contacted the Monterey Bay Aquarium, who then reached out to find a suitable home for him.

Blue lobsters are very rare, occurring one in every two million. The blue coloration of the shell is the result of a genetic anomaly. Clawde now resides in the Komodo Kingdom building, which is currently closed to guests due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Have no fear however – when the Covid-19 pandemic is over, Clawde will still be there. Lobsters are known to live 100 years.

Lucky Clawde! Many thanks to the very astute employee who recognized this boy’s rare color.

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