Pigeons wearing glued on MAGA hats released in Las Vegas

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A flock of pigeons with tiny red hats citing “Make America Great Again” including a pigeon with yellow fuzz like Trump’s hair, were released on Tuesday in downtown Las Vegas. A group called PUTIN has allegedly taken credit for the cruel treatment of the birds in protest of the presidential debate.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the group Pigeons United To Interfere Now, describes themselves as loyal followers of Trump.

Denying the glue used to attach the hats was animal cruelty, the group stated they used eyelash glue which falls off after a few days. And even if the hats didn’t fall off,  the pigeons would return to their coops where the hats could be removed. One member of the group stated he didn’t see any difference between gluing the hats on the birds or dressing up one’s dog or cat.

The act was inspired from Operation Tacana – a program in the 1970s when CIA used pigeons to spy on the Soviet Union.

Check out the video released by PUTIN:

A similar prank was carried out in December during the Las Vegas rodeo when cowboy hats were glued on the heads of t he pigeons. One of the pigeons died; another was severely injured.

Not funny no matter what side of the political aisle one sits! Leave the animals out of it.

Read previous article here.

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