Man facing cruelty charges for shooting duck with a bow and arrow

Man shot duck
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A self-employed contractor from Philadelphia has been charged for shooting a Muscovy duck with a bow and arrow. As reported by the Daytona News Journal, 23-year-old Walter Rieves is accused of shooting the duck on Sunday night at property in Edgewater, Florida.

Rieves allegedly had one arrow left and asked someone if he could use it to shoot the duck – the man claims he was told that “there was no law” against shooting the duck.

A person who witnessed the shooting was able to retrieve the duck and take it to the Marine Discovery Center in Ponce Inlet for treatment. In a police report, an officer outlined why Rieves was arrested, writing:

“Due to Rieves harming an animal with no legitimate reason, he was subsequently placed under arrest in reference to animal cruelty.”

Rieves was booked into the Volusia County Branch Jail on a misdemeanor charge; he is out on bail.

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