Injured horse listed on Craigslist ‘for free’ rescued

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In Brown County, Ohio, an ad for a horse near death  spotted on Craigslist listed “for free” has been rescued by a local horse rescue organization. The ad on Craigslist stated:

“Free horse … I don’t know what’s wrong with her. If you can help her, you can have her…”

And as Star’s photo began circulating through social media, Fighting Chance Rescue had been called for help. On Wednesday evening, the two-year-old filly arrived at the rescue on a stretcher; it was then rescuers and volunteers helped Star to get up on her feet using a sling. On the Henneke scale of rating a horse’s condition from 1 to 10,(with a “10” being obese), Star has been described as “1”. She now weighs 400 pounds – 500 pounds under what a horse her age and build should be.

Star has been on intravenous fluids and is receiving around the clock care.

Star’s latest update:

“… Star is doing well she’s very energetic for being in such poor condition she drank three buckets of water last night ate five pails of hay products had two IVs this morning she was a little rambunctious and ripped her pick line out. The original vet only had one stitch in and our vet was concerned that that would not hold so we are not surprised that it ripped out.

Lots of folks are asking how they can help we need hay products such as alfalfa and Timothy pellets beat pulp flaxseed and selenium salt we also need donations on their vet bills we currently have nine horses On our fighting chance rescue Bill and things are adding up quickly Apollo and Cisco both had a vet visit yesterday for snotty noses so between stars vet bill their vet bill and her vet bill again this morning we are figuring it to be close to $500 that’s just an estimate …”

Check out her video:

The organization states there is a cruelty investigation underway.

Donations are needed.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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