German shepherd died after owner dragged dog behind golf cart

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In Fort Walton Beach, Florida a man ignored motorists on Saturday beeping their horns  after they saw him dragging his dog by a chain tied to the back of his golf cart. Dean Woodyatt, 79, prevented Good Samaritans from helping the dog after it collapsed.

According to the NFWDailyNews,  Walton Beach Police Department stated a witness had to chase Woodyatt down to stop him. The German shepherd died of heat related injuries. The disturbing incident occurred around noon, and when officers arrived at the scene, the dog had been struggling to breathe. He had multiple injuries to all four of his feet.

Woodyatt tried to grab the leash and jump out of the red golf cart and refused to comply with the officers request to put the leash down.

“Officers had to pry the chain out of Woodyatt’s hands and he physically resisted by holding onto the golf cart,” stated the police report.

A necropsy was ordered to determine the reason for the dog’s death.

Woodyatt was transferred to the Okaloosa County Jail.

Rest in peace sweet dog.
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  1. One can fix many things but one can NOT fix “stupid”!!! This POS should spend some serious time in jail. He should be punished for killing this precious treasure…,,,

    Precious treasure, I know you are in Heaven. Please look for MacKitty and join his wonderful snuggle buddies group and RIP amongst loving friends.

  2. That evil disgusting piece of shit was probably joy riding around in his motorized scooter for God only knows how long making that poor dog try and keep up in the heat. May he rot in hell and soon!


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