Faceless dog rescued in Texas: They named him Dickens for the holiday season

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The shocking photos of a dog seemingly with no face circulated on social media Sunday evening. Animal advocates were asking for help, and Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform could not turn away. An emergency transfer was set up to bring the “faceless dog” to Dallas. He has been named Dickens – a sign of the holiday season and a sign of hope.

Diagnostics began the moment Dickens arrived at the organization’s partner veterinarian hospital. It is believed this dog suffered from an infected and abscessed wound on his face. It’s just shameful any dog should have been allowed to suffer like this – how long has this gone on?

On Tuesday morning, the radiologist report on Dickens was received.

“We just received an update from the radiologist! It is good news it is NOT CANCER! In my gut yesterday I did not feel it was because of how quickly his face changed. Well the X-RAYS agree!! This is totally treatable; the bad news is Dickens AKA Marchiali was treated very poorly during his lifetime they suspect major trauma has been done to him!
The rads confirm major trauma to the nasal cavity. There was no mention of neoplasia/cancer. Chronic, healed right rib fractures to rib 6&8. How did this happen, we will never know.
He has a rounding on the head of the spleen was seen which could be cancer or could be other causes Ehrlichia so maybe that is contributing to the splenic changes!”
And as dogs are just so forgiving, Dickens has been described as very sweet and has been handling his injuries like a brave pup. He voluntarily lifts his head for exams and treatment; he wags his tail when anyone of the medical staff tells him he is a good boy.
It is not known what caused the hole in Dicken’s head – guesses include a stick may have been stuck and caused an infection, but then again, it may have been the result of a gun shot.
Dickens loves to eat and drink and seeks out attention. Let’s help him recover.
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Venmo @Dallas-DogRRR
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  1. My husband and I are donating to this precious treasure’s care.

    Whilst we can’t change his past, we CAN help him have a better future!!! We hope that he will heal ASAP and be rehomed into a loving furever family where he will be treated as a beloved family member.


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