Excited dog sprains his tail from wagging it too hard as owner works from home

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An excited dachshund sprained his tail by wagging it too hard after his owner has been working from home, and as he gets to enjoy more quality time with the person he loves the most.

Rolo, the seven-year-old dachshund, belongs to Emma Smith from Essex, United Kingdom, and just was too enthusiastic when he realized Emma, her father and sister have all been working from home, and he gets to have their company all day. Previously, a member of the family would run home at lunchtime to take him outdoors for his bathroom breaks. Seems Rolo has some separation anxiety, but that problem has now been resolved.

According to Emma’s Twitter postings, the family noticed a sudden drop in Rolo’s tail-wagging and took him to the family veterinarian who told them he had sprained his tail from wagging it too hard.

Who could have guessed?

Poor Rolo had strained the ligaments and tendons between his tail and spine. He was administered an anti-inflammatory and is now on painkillers. Two days later, the adorable little guy was feeling better although his tail doesn’t lift up yet but goes from side to side.

It seems home isolation works for our pets. Enjoy their happiness being with us – they really do make our lives happier.

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