English bulldog breeder accused of letting puppy snort cocaine

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The RSPCA is currently investigating allegations of an English bulldog owner in Milton Keynes, Bucks, UK allowing his three-month-old puppy to sniff white powder. The puppy, named Lila Trei, can be seen in a viral video sniffing the powder from a man’s hand.

According to the Sun, the puppy had allegedly been sold to Scott Windrum, 29, before the video was recorded and posted to social media. The breeder who sold the puppy to Windrum is devastated, and stated he had checked out the new owner online before selling the puppy to him.

“Anyone who really loves dogs would never even joke about this,” the breeder told media reporters. “Giving a puppy a line of cocaine could kill it – and for what? To get a few laughs on Snapchat? He’s sick, if you ask me.”

Check out the video: (Video via The Sun) GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING


Windrum, however claims the allegations are all false, and it was simply his friend giving the puppy worming powder. He later admitted he should not have posted the video, and that he was also a dog breeder and would never do something like that.

You decide.

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