‘Dreadhead cowboy’ who rode horse on expressway charged with felony animal cruelty

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The man dubbed the “Dreadhead Cowboy” who rode a horse for seven miles down the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago on Monday, has been charged with one count of aggravated felony animal cruelty.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Adam Hollingsworth, 33, rode his brown and white horse south on the expressway surrounded by several supporters on motorcycles in support of Kids’ Lives Matter. He videoed the event on Facebook Live.


The police arrested Hollingsworth and brought the exhausted horse to Chicago Animal Care and Control for medical treatment. The horse had been bleeding from his hoof and had an injury on another hoof from being ridden on the expressway for the seven miles with no shoes. He also had saddle sores on his right side.

While at the shelter the horse started to shake from being overheated and exhausted; moments later he collapsed and was not able to get up on his own. There have not been any updates as to his condition.

Hollingsworth had gained attention this past summer – even meeting with the mayor to encourage citizens to fill out their census forms. On Monday, he said the stunt was intended to shut down the Dan Ryan to bring attention to violence against children.

While his intentions may have been for a positive cause, his actions were dangerous to him, to motorists, to the horse and the entire display for attention was illegal.

A bond hearing is scheduled for Wednesday.

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  1. Guess what, you ignorant fuck?! Animals’ lives matter, too. And no self-respecting “cowboy” would do to their horse what you did yours. In my opinion you’re the Deadhead non-cowboy.


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