‘Dread Head Cowboy’s’ horse improving but can never be ridden again

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Adam Hollingsworth, also known as the  “Dread Head Cowboy,” rode his brown and white horse south on the Dan Ryan Expressway on Monday, surrounded by several supporters on motorcycles in support of Kids’ Lives Matter. He videoed the event on Facebook Live. His 20-year-old horse, ridden nearly eight-miles with no shoes, had initially been listed in critical condition after the animal collapsed from exhaustion and pain.

Hollingsworth was ordered to be held on $25,000 bond at a hearing on Wednesday. Cook County prosecutors stated, at the time, his horse may have needed to be euthanized.

Later that day, Hollingsworth walked out of jail; he faces felony aggravated animal cruelty and misdemeanor counts of trespassing and reckless conduct. Hollingsworth insists he loves horses and would never have intentionally hurt NuNu.

Now NuNu is recovering at Forest View Farms in Tinley Park. According to the rescue organization, she will never be able to be ridden again. After Chicago Animal Care and Control rescued her, she was transferred to the rescue and placed on intravenous fluids.

” Immediate emergency care was needed as she was transferred to a private farm and an equine specialty veterinarian met her to provide emergency care.  NuNu’s body temperature was still extremely high and she required fluids as she was severely dehydrated to the point it was life threatening. NuNu also has injuries to her legs which will be discussed in greater detail when appropriate as this is an ongoing legal case. She was given pain medication during her examination and remains on pain medication at this time.”

A veterinarian report included the following information:

“NuNu spends much of her time lying down as she is still extremely painful with volunteers walking her every two hours for short periods of time or she becomes too stiff and it’s even more difficult for her to get up and moving.  Dr. P approximates NuNu at over 20 years old with a heart murmur.  ASA Deboni’s statement comparing this incident to that of “forcing an 80 year old woman to run a full marathon”  is accurate.”

The good news – NuNu is now eating, her bowel movements are normal, and her saddle sores are healing. When she arrived her teeth and hooves were in poor condition. On Friday, she was fitted for horseshoes to relieve some of the pressure and provide the needed support.


In honor of NuNu, a program for children specifically for the areas where violence is occurring will be organized. The plans are to open the rescue once a month to children who will experience life on the farm. Kids will be able to interact with farm animals and learn how to care for them.

To donate to NuNu’s recovery and help establish a program to help children, please click here.

Read previous coverage here.

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