Dog’s hike with owner ends in near disaster as the heat becomes too much

Dog nearly died from heatstroke on hike
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A hike on Utah’s Mount Olympus nearly ended in disaster for a dog who embarked on the outing with his owner. On Tuesday, Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue posted images of the dog, who had to be rescued after nearly succumbing to heatstroke.

The rescue agency recounted what transpired on July 27, writing:

SLCOSAR was called out for a dehydrated male hiker and his 120 lb. yellow lab. The two set out to hike Mount Olympus around 11:00 AM. The two got to the saddle just below the summit when Leo the dog showed signs of overheating and couldn’t go on.

Leo laid down and his owner gave him all of his water, but the dog’s condition did not improve. The hiker realized that the dog needed assistance and he called for help. Two search and rescue teams responded with “large amounts” of water and equipment. The agency said:

With the afternoon temperatures nearing 100 degrees on the west-facing mountain, having little to no shade, and heavy packs it took the SAR members some extra time to get up to the saddle. Once to the patients, the team gave them water and tried to rehydrate them and cool Leo off with water and fanning. Leo was able to eventually drink 4-5 liters of water.

Even after hydrating, Leo was unable to walk on his own, so he was loaded into a litter and transported down the mountain. The agency described the measures taken to get Leo the help he needed to survive:

Unified Police had made arrangements with a local vet to get Leo to them as soon as he was off the mountain. A Unified Police Officer used his patrol car as an emergency vehicle to rush Leo straight to the vet. All team members and the hiker got off the mountain in good condition.

A subsequent post indicates that Leo is starting to recover from his brush with death:

PUPdate on Leo the yellow lab from last night’s rescue:
It looks like Leo is overcoming his heat exhaustion and his kidney function is returning back to normal, so he should be ok. The vet is trying to get him to walk around some more so he can go home soon.

Search and Rescue reminds owners of the dangers that dogs face in the heat:

Remember your 4 legged friend doesn’t regulate heat as well as you do. If your going to hike with your doggy leave early, or wait a few more months until it cools off.

Find the Facebook page for Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue here.

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  1. Just look at his little face. I’m so grateful to his rescuers. There are people who would say that that was all too much, for a dog, when there are people that need rescuing out there. Those people are absolute scum.


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