Dog with Bette Davis eyes barely surviving after heartbreaking abuse

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In Pickens County, South Carolina, 11 dogs were discovered at a home on Thursday; tragically nine of the dogs had already died. It was just emaciated Bette Davis and another dog Lentil  barely alive.

The two surviving dogs were taken to the local animal shelter where the staff did their best to help – Bette’s condition was serious.

“This poor girl was barely alive and the shelter was not sure she would survive, but her big brown eyes still had life in them so they decided to try. They named her Bette Davis because of her eyes. They reached out for rescue after the “owner” who is arrested and in jail, relinquished these 2 survivors,” Rescue Dogs Rock NYC co-founder Stacey Silverstein posted on the organization’s social media page.

“The puppy Lentil is also emaciated by not as bad.”

The dogs were rushed to the rescue’s emergency veterinarian partners where Bette’s condition was critical She was unable to stand, walk and barely able to lift her head.

Bette has been receiving blood transfusions and remains in serious condition.

The latest update includes:

“Bette Davis did well with her blood transfusion & her pcv went from 10 up to 29, however, this morning it had dropped back down to 18. She remains on IV fluids & is being monitored 24 hours a day. BD is young, about 2 years old & only 26 pounds. She should be twice that. The vet said she is literally skin over a bag of bones. Of course she is very sweet & they all love her name saying she does have huge brown eyes!  Lentil is 14 pounds & not exactly sure on his age but guessing about 6 months. This poor baby has seen the worst of the worst in his short life & is scared of his own shadow. He cowers in the back of his kennel, terrified.”

Jerry Benjamin Martin Jr. in Pickens County has been arrested for alleged ill treatment of animals. He is currently free on bond.

The charges are as follows:

Please help us help these 2 survivors by donating! or
or checks to:
Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
PO Box 101
New York, NY 10028

Venmo @rescuedogsrockny

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

Peace, Love, Dogs

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