Dog in Vietnam forced to beg for money

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In what is revered as the most important celebration in Vietnam culture translated to mean, “Feast of the Morning of the First Day,” emerge those who capitalize on the pain and suffering of animals.

Tet, the annual Vietnamese New Year celebration, coincides with the Lunar New Year celebrated throughout the world on January 25,2020.

And here we have a dog forced to beg for money after his owner painted black eyebrows on him and dyed his tail pink. The owner forced the dog to sit up and beg for money on the edge of a busy highway. The dog was not able to balance on his rear legs for any length of time, but the man continually slapped the dog forcing him to perform.

For visitors going to Vietnam to join in the celebration, do not give money to people who peddle animal cruelty.

In the Facebook group, Fight Dog Meat, fears for the fate of the little dog:

“Slapping the dog isn’t going to change anything. If you see things like this please do not give them money. Can’t help but fear for the fate of the dog. Local people cannot confiscate the dog because he’s owned. Taking the dog would be theft.”

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