Dog dumped on side of road wrapped in tarp and plastic bag

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No one knows exactly what cruel treatment Bidelia has endured. On Friday, in the area of Rio Grande Valley, Texas, a witness spotted a car pull over and dump the dog wrapped in a tarp and plastic bag. The witness noticed the dog was not able to move – making her vulnerable to anyone or anything that could do her more harm.

Compassionate animal rescuers quickly responded to the heartbreaking situation. Rescue Row, a nonprofit animal welfare organization stepped up to help.

“At the time of intake all we knew was she hadn’t had a bowel movement in 2 days, she was able to urinate and believed to be paralyzed,” a board member of the rescue posted on Facebook along with photos of Bedelia at the spot where she had been abandoned.

The two-year-old female Labrador retriever mix was named Bidelia – (Irish name for strength). She was rushed to an emergency veterinarian in Denton where it was determined she recently underwent surgery on her abdomen; it is unclear whether it was spaying or another procedure. How did she get to the point of being dumped?

Bidelia suffers from fluid build up in her abdomen, and more tests are being administered. Her hip is also out of place including back trauma; all indicative of animal cruelty.


Update 2/2/2020 They were able to pop Bidelia’s hip back in place. Only time will tell if it will hold. If not Bidelia will need to have hip surgery.

Update 2/1/2020 She is stable and comfortable. Her bladder is intact, it is just very large and full of urine. Her bladder is being drained and they will insert a catheter. She will be sedated to pop her hip into place and we will re-evaluate everything tomorrow.

Donations can be made via PayPal at we have immediate access to apply towards our ER bill.
Donations are also appreciated via Facebook fundraiser as well, however take 30 days to receive those funds.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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  1. Not on Facebook so tried to donate directly through PayPal,
    but PayPal would not allow. Wrong email address? How can
    I donate? Thank you.


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