Despicable Chinese social media trend is forcing dogs to binge eat; one dog cries from hot peppers

Crying shepherd in disturbing social media trend
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A despicable Chinese social media trend shows heartless pet owners forcing their dogs to binge eat, and a video shared by the Daily Mail even shows a German shepherd crying while eating a bowl of dried hot peppers. In an era of ridiculous social media video challenges, from eating Tide Pods to idiotic attempts to get “high” by choking one another, this recent trend is downright cruel.

Clips from the various “challenges” show dogs being offered ridiculously huge mounds of food. One video shows a husky being forced to ingest food and his snout is held close to prevent the food from being spit out. Another clip shows a golden retriever eating an impossibly large bowl of raw chicken legs.

dog binge eating

The Daily Mail reports that many animal lovers have expressed outrage over the disturbing videos and they have called the pet owners out for their abusive behavior. The person who originally uploaded the video of the German shepherd eating the food eventually deleted the content because of harsh criticism.

Find more of the idiotic “challenges” in the video compilation from The Daily Mail.

(Images via screenshot)

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  1. This is disgusting, and goes along with their disgusting eating of dogs, sick disgusting animals, not human in my book, this crap is illegal in the US thank God, monsters should be in prison!

  2. WHY??? It makes NO sense……. The idiots who torture their pets for a few minutes online do NOT deserve to have pets…… They clearly flunked “pet parenting”!!!

    These precious treasures should be rehomed to responsible families……..


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