Woman saves burning koala bear from fire with the shirt off her back

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In the state of New South Wales, Australians are overwhelmed with the purely unselfish actions of a woman who rushed into the burning forest to rescue a koala bear.

The local woman, named Toni spotted the koala crossing the road amidst the flames. Toni rushed to the animal’s aid and wrapped him in her shirt and poured water over it to keep him protected from surrounding flames.

She rushed him to Port Macquarie Koala Hospital; the animals have been classified as vulnerable; the fires have devastated over 2.5 million acres along Australia’s east coast. Reports have stated as many as 350 koala have died in the fires. So far the hospital has treated 31 koalas for burns and dehydration.

Koalas instinctively climb to the tops of trees when scared, and even if they survive the fires, they still have to walk along the hot, scorched ground.

Check out Lewis’ (rescued koala) video with his rescuer:

The hospital’s GoFundMe page has raised more than 1,112,950  for the koalas’ welfare. Drinking water stations are being placed in the burned out areas for the animals.

“One way to help surviving koalas and other wildlife is to provide access to water to reduce further deaths from dehydration.

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital would like to raise money to purchase and distribute automatic drinking stations which will assist in helping koala and wildlife survival.

Money raised will be used to distribute the drinking stations in the fire affected region. If enough money is raised, it will distribute to other significant koala habitat areas across the State.

With rising temperatures and increasingly dry conditions worsening across the State, access to water is essential for survival.”

Please be aware that there are fraudulent appeals on Go Get Funding who ARE NOT affiliated with the Koala Hospital. Below is the ONLY GoFundMe account for supporting koalas at the Koala Hospital
Thank you for your support!

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Previous coverage of the fires here.

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