Woman caught on video dragging dog on scooter not pup’s owner

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In a news release announcement on Tuesday, the Bakersfield Police Department filled in more of the blanks related to a dog dragging case that has enraged thousands of local residents as well as animal advocates across the country.

In Bakersfield, California, three short videos showed a woman dragging a small dog behind a Bird electric scooter. The video was captured on a home surveillance camera belonging to James Dowell on Sunday afternoon.

Brandon Sanders, posted on Facebook, that he encountered the woman on the scooter who had been going at least 15 mph dragging the small dog by a leash on its side. While no one could see how badly the dog was injured as he was being dragged, Sanders said the dog’s paws had been bloodied and he had been pulled at least a 100 yards. When he confronted the woman, she became indignant and threatened to call authorities.

Investigators have since confirmed the dog has received medical treatment and a medical plan had been established with the veterinarian and the dog’s legal owner. The dog remains in the care and custody of the owner and not in the woman seen in the videos who is alleged to have dragged the dog. Within two hours of the injuries, the dog had been taken to a veterinarian for treatment and is expected to make a full recovery.

Further information reports that the spokesperson from Bird, the company that rents electric scooters, found the video “deeply disturbing.” According to Bakersfield.com,, the company’s response is as follows:

“As soon as we were made aware of the video, we began our own investigation of the incident and have suspended the account for the individual involved in the incident. We continue to encourage people in the communities in which Bird operates to report incidents of irresponsible behavior on Birds to us, as well as local authorities.”

The company states they investigate all reports and takes appropriate measures.

There have not been any arrests made at this time, although the case remains under investigation.

Read previous coverage here.

A lovely rescue

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  1. On James Dowell’s facebook he refers to the dog as belonging to this “woman” a.k.a. titi_cilantro on instagram. And there are instagram photos showing her with a dog of this type and another photo of 2 dogs in her photos; see Google search result here (since her accounts are now private): https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&biw=1391&bih=755&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=m2c2XPzGCY6h8APPta_oAg&q=titi_cilantro+instagram&oq=titi_cilantro+instagram&gs_l=img.3…0.0..10701…0.0..0.0.0…….0……gws-wiz-img.xL7lsYgFcdE Take note that only a few top images are hers since it’s just a search result. I have a feeling this is an “ex-girlfriend” revenge thing and that perhaps another woman broke off relations with this monster and kept the dogs, and that that’s who the “legal owner” you referred to is.
    I of course so very much hope that one and any other dogs are 100% safe now.

  2. I am sick of seeing this written as “alleged” dragging of the dog by the woman on the scooter. Alleged?? Are you kidding me? What idiots. There is a video record of this crime. Nothing alleged about it. Arrest the moron and lock her up.

  3. Someone’s got to know who the fucking whore is. Catch her then drag her fucking scrawny skank ass until it bleeds. No wait you can’t do that because that maggot isn’t a human being so it wouldn’t bleed. Or if it did the ooze it would be acid.

  4. The fuckin skank whore actually looks happy holding the dog that’s obviously injured. And as such “it” qualifies as a deranged, sociopathic savage maggot. There is no cure for this type of organism. It’s only a question of time before it causes more damage to more animals and or people. Best to just execute it.


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