Woman allegedly pushed her Golden retriever into lake to drown

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In Merrimack, New Hampshire, a woman allegedly pushed her Golden retriever into a lake and didn’t help the dog as it drowned. Nancy Bucciarelli, 66, was arrested on Friday and charged with animal cruelty.

According to WhdhNews, Bucciarelli shoved the 11-year-old dog into the Naticook Lake. She watched as the dog struggled to swim and drowned within a few minutes. Witnesses tried to help the dog, but were too late. An investigation determined Bucciarelli made no attempt to help her dog in the 3 1/2 feet of water.

Witnesses told police the dog appeared to be elderly and would be easily winded while on walks.

The woman has been released on her own recognizance. She is scheduled to appear in court on June 27.

Rest in peace sweet dog.

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  1. Pure Evil. No ? In my mind that this POS who treated this precious treasure so horribly will burn in Hell forever for her cruelty……. I hope she gets there ASAP after dying a horrible death alone, in pain, afraid and unloved….
    Precious treasure your life was stolen from you (& your life mattered). You absolutely did NOT deserve to be treated so cruelly…… I am absolutely heartbroken for your trauma & death.
    Makes me sick inside to think of this precious furbaby suffering……
    Precious treasure please look for MacKitty in Heaven and he will welcome you into his snuggle buddies group. You can RIP amongst his loving friends……..

  2. This woman is heartless…why would you kill your elderly dog by drowning him? Unbelievable! RIP goldie..God has you now.


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