Owner had been using home remedies on ailing senior dog

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In Dallas, Texas, a 13-year-old mastiff blend was surrendered to the shelter in serious condition.

“I have no idea how long he has been in this condition they said they were using home remedies to cure him! I have NO words,” stated Dallas Dog – Rescue.Rehab.Reform, the organization who rushed to pick the dog up from the shelter.

Just as the rescuers arrived, the shelter had already laid the dog on the floor, muzzled him and had administered the injection for sedation him before he was to be euthanized. Moments later, the muzzle was removed and the dog was rushed to the organization’s emergency veterinarian.

The dog’s latest update has him in guarded condition at the veterinary hospital. The sedatives given earlier have taken longer than expected to clear his system, however he is responding well to intravenous fluids. His eyes have been cleaned and washed. He will not be given any food or water until the vet is assured his gag reflex is fully recovered.

His body temperature has been slowly rising, and he is expected to remain in the warming oxygen crate. No blankets or beds are permitted inside of the chamber to make sure he cannot chew or choke on any foreign object. Also, the heating chamber is most effective when the warm air can circulate around his body.

“He does not appear to be in pain and the vet is hopeful he will continue to improve. He directly stated that euthanization was not necessary at this time as long as we are able to keep his vital signs stable and he continues to show improvements.
Please keep Emmanuel in your thoughts. The next 24 hours will be very telling and then we can pursue other testing and scans once his temperature is stable.

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  1. I pray God brings this sweet dog some much DESERVED relief. I pray God’s hand of Justice finds these DEMONS with a reality check 100 fold WORSE that BRINGS THEM to KNOW EXACTLY how it FEELS to be very SICK and refused PROPER medical treatment, just like HOW YOU CHOOSE to treat this sentient being. May SHAME FOLLOW YOU for the rest of your days, as a thousand bed bugs REPEATEDLY INFEST YOUR bed, disgusting DEMON spawned maggot PUKE!


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