Necropsy reveals that rescue’s dog was killed by trainer

Rescue dog killed by trainer
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A necropsy performed by Cornell University has revealed that a rescue group’s dog was killed by strangulation – allegedly at the hands of a trainer who had been hired to help her. The grim details of the violent and unexpected death were provided in a press release from Deep South Canine Rescue, a non-profit organization in Georgia.

According to the release, the necrospy revealed that the dog, named Madison Blue, was
due to “strangulation from restraining and dragging this dog by its leash.” The dog had been sent to Tai Nero, of Allstars Working Dogs of Wyandanch, New York, for training. The trainer allegedly admitted to pulling Madison up the stairs by her leash, and she collapsed shortly thereafter. Though Nero rushed her to a veterinarian, the damage was done – when she arrived she was “comatose and unresponsive” and had to be euthanized.

Rescue agency releases details

The press release provides further details:

The incident happened in December 2017. The Rescue had turned custody and care of
the dog over to Tai Nero and Allstar Working Dogs for a two-week training period. At the
time of the incident, Madison Blue was apparently not being cared for in an animal facility
but was crated along with other dogs at a residential house owned by Nero.

The necropsy report found: “Clear and convincing medical evidence indicated that the cause of the coma is asphyxiation attributed to strangulation from restraining and dragging the dog by its leash.” The
necropsy report also found that Madison Blue had a fractured tooth (with 70% of the
tooth missing), blunt force trauma to the head, and puncture wounds on the muzzle and head.


Based on the findings in the necropsy, the rescue agency has asked the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office to conduct an animal cruelty investigation into the conduct of Tai Nero and Allstars Working Dogs.

Deep South Board Member and Executive Director, Pam Dixon, said:

“Everyone who knew Madison Blue is heartbroken at her unexpected death. We want to make sure that
no other dog dies in the custody of Tai Nero or Allstars Working Dogs.”

Deep South’s animal welfare lawyer, Dante DiPirro, Esq. of Westhampton Beach, New
York, said:

“If anyone knows of any dog that has been injured while in the custody of, or
while being trained by, Tai Nero or Allstars Working Dogs, or has any other relevant
information, please contact us.”

Deep South Canine Inc.
Pam Dixon
Email: [email protected]
The Rescue’s Animal Welfare

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Help needed: Shelter pleads for homeless dog who has been overlooked for months – more here.

Recently in the news: Considering CBD for your pet? Know what to look for (and what to avoid)!

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    • Find out your facts before you judge the trainer. This dog ATTACKED HIM and his dogs AND was attacking the foster mother and her daughter (kid friendly? I don’t think so). AANNNNNDDD the dog had 20 large heartworms which the “Rescue” never checked for. Sounds more like the rescue should be looked into.

  2. Therapeutic “Water therapy ” to assist in Anger Control would be beneficial to Every living creature Both Canine and Human… Hold this Ethnic Psychopath’s Head in a Whirlpool Sauna for about 15 minutes and then release him!!! He won’t float !!!

  3. This happens far more often in dog “training” than is ever reported. It is common practice in military and paramilitary K9 units, and many dog “training” academies which utilize the military methods. Hanging and choking dogs to the point of unconsciousness (and various other forms of potentially fatal “techniques,” like kicking) is par for the course, and most deaths go unreported, as they have in the departments in my county.

    So, instead of making ourselves feel good by saying this one “trainer” (who happened to get outed for causing a death by strangulation, and it probably wasn’t his first) should be punished, ALL people should be warned to never leave their dogs in the custody of any “trainer,” and K9 units must be shut down.

  4. This is disgusting, this rescue entrusted this dog to these moron trainers and they killed Madison Blue! I hope this disgusting piece of humanity is arrested and put out of business!

  5. This disgusting excuse for humianity needs to “learn”some valuable life lessons while incarcerated in the dangerous criminals section for a very long time – he seems to know how to “handle” things. That just might bring a skerrick of justice for precious Madison who lost her life at his hands- and who knows how many others he killed too.

  6. Find out your facts before you judge the trainer. This dog ATTACKED HIM and his dogs AND was attacking the foster mother and her daughter (kid friendly? I don’t think so). AANNNNNDDD the dog had 20 large heartworms which the “Rescue” never checked for. Sounds more like the rescue should be looked into.

    This reporter should have gotten both sides instead of trying to ruin someone’s life. NO, I do not know him personally but I researched the FACTS.

    • Just to clarify, the “Sue” who made this comment is not the same as the Sue who made the previous comment, who has worked in “law enforcement” and is aware of the brutality in military style “training.” From now on, I’ll also use another initial in addition to my name, to make sure there is no confusion of identities.


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