Mountain lion Colorado runner killed was only 3-month-old kitten

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In Fort Collins, Colorado, a necropsy of the mountain lion killed by a Colorado runner with his bare hands, was only a three to four-months-old male kitten.

According to Newsweek, Travis Kauffman had been attacked in Fort Collins on February 4 while running on a trail on Horsetooth Mountain. The young cat lunged at him, and although Kauffman stated he tried to push the animal off of him, the young mountain lion wouldn’t stop its attack. Kauffman stated he was forced to wrestle the animal down and step on its throat to kill it.

Kauffman needed 19 stitches on his face, six stitches on his nose and three stitches on his wrist where the lion’s mouth took hold. He also suffered several puncture wounds and has since mostly recovered from the attack.

The necrospy report supported Kauffman’s story and the cause of death has been “determined to be multi-factorial including blunt trauma and strangulation.” The Colorado Parks and Wildlife veterinarians said the cat weighed between 35 and 40 pounds at the time of the attack, but by the time of the necropsy, the remains were only 24 pounds because it had been partially eaten – most likely by its two surviving siblings who have since been trapped and sent to a rehabilitation center before being released back into the wild.

Officials have found no evidence of the mother lion, and therefore think the kittens had been abandoned. The lion killed by Kauffman “was hungry but not starving” and “rabies testing was negative.”

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  1. well as usual we humans get our emotions all in a bunch, was this guy blind I mean come on, a 3 month old mountain lion. give me a break. stupid p o s.

  2. This redneck coward strangled & tore a KITTEN to death? Wow. I bet he can beat up all the old ladies on his block.

    • How do you know hes a redneck coward.its like me calling you a insensitive cunt.i dont know you .so judging you is wrong.

  3. “Abandoned”? At that age, those kittens’ mother had probably been killed or she’d have still been with them. Sending them to rehab at that age and releasing them so young won’t help, since they’re too young to survive on their own and still needed their mother for some time yet. Why aren’t they trying to figure out who’s poaching lions out there so this doesn’t happen again?

    • I’m sure the cub’s mother was killed. You are right. Human beings have demonstrated time and time again that they have no intentions of living in harmony with nature. They want to annihilate animals for the fun of it, killing wild horses, brutal round ups to slaughter, shooting hibernating bears, gassing wolf dens with pups, and aerial hunts. It’s deplorable and no one cares, not bleeding heart liberals, and certainly not republicans. The dems are so concerned about climate change and the environment, but couldn’t care less about the wildlife who make up the ecosystem. What the hell is that? It’s utter hypocrisy.

  4. I knew at the time it had to have been a young cub. The jogger didn’t have a scratch on him. I sure hope the asshole got his 5 minutes of fame and felt like big man after killing a baby mountain lion. He was probably the aggressor, not the cub. Some people are just morally bankrupt.

    • Did you not see the guys face.and the supporting story. seriously actually read the article. Never mind the facts.smh

      • Yeah, let’s talk about the facts, shall we? While the guy was sporting what appeared to be a scratch on his face, he was bragging about killing a “mountain lion” with his bare hands. Seems to me if he would’ve told viewers it was a small cub instead of embellishing as he did, his bravery wouldn’t have seemed so grandioso. He was enjoying the 5 minutes of fame. Most joggers who run in remote areas known to have mountain lions and bears have enough common sense to carry protection, even if just a repellant spray. The guy had nothing to brag about. As another commenter asked, I wonder who killed the mother of the cub? Another “brave” person with a rifle, I’m sure. Human beings have made no attempt to live in harmony with nature, only destroy it.

    • Lacerations looked fairly decent to me.have you ever seen what a 40 pound bob cat can do to a person.i doubt it.they are known on occasion to attack as well .a 40 pound cat will and can tear your butt up when properly motivated.40pounds ain’t small for a cat.that aint a labrador .bastard has teeth and claws.
      Grab one find out.
      The freaking authorities support him and they say its justified. Mind you they are experts.he was attacked by a hungry wild animal.
      Defended himself accordingly.i mean hes only a 150 pound guy .sorta small.i hunt and kill many animals. Eat everyone of them.
      That’s what we humans do.we are hunter gatherers by evolution. Cow pig chicken fish they die to feed the animals of the land did to feed my souix and Cherokee relatives. Seriously man get a not telling you to go kill a animal but quit crying over someone’s right to do so.not that I know your particular situation. Most of you tree huggers should harmanize thier ass a job.

  5. This clown has made a cottage industry out of his “brave” act. He is all over media which for unknown reasons continue to make a huge deal out of this. I hope someone investigates. He has obviously hired a top-notch, well-connected PR firm and is now heralded as some sort of celebrity. From the start I found this story suspicious and his actions heinous.

    • Reminds me of the Smollett case, and others like it. Look at me, I’m a victim, and a hero! This is a big deal only because the man who killed the cub wanted to put it out there. He has himself to blame for any backlash. Maybe the guy should find somewhere else to jog. People expect animals to give up their habitats and just die off.


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