Man caught dragging dog behind vehicle because it ‘smelled’

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As if animal cruelty can’t get any worse in China, another viral video captured a man dragging his newly adopted dog behind his vehicle because the dog smelled, and its “stench was too strong.”

According to Asia One, the man adopted the dog on June 5, and then tied the animal to the back of his car to take it home. Video of the disturbing situation showed a large black dog being dragged by the car, and at one point when the car stopped at a traffic light, the dog fell over from sheer fright and exhaustion. As the light turned green, the dog got back on his feet and tried his best to run behind the car, but collapsed again and is dragged. The man never turned around to check on the dog’s welfare.

As the video quickly circulated on social media after witnesses uploaded photos and videos of the poor pup, authorities were prompted to stop the man. Criticism of the cruel owner was swift and harsh. The condition of the dog is not known.

The man was fined 100 yuan ($14.00).

Video of the incident can be seen here.

There are currently no nationwide laws in China prohibiting the animal cruelty. 

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  1. That poor furbaby…… Absolutely disgusting……. How can someone do this and still like what they see in the mirror looking back at them???

    This poor, terrified, precious treasure……. OMG: my instinct is to snuggle him and reassure him the world is “OK”…….

    I would love to see update snapshots, especially of this furbaby rehomed into a loving furever family where he will be a treasured and beloved family member!!!

    One can fix many things, but it’s absolutely impossible to fix stupid. This stupid POS should never be allowed to adopt any more animals as he is clearly incapable of caring for them……

    Pure Evil……. I think this POS is absolutely disgusting and headed to a reserved spot in Hell where he will burn forever for his cruelty…..

  2. If he just adopted the dog and was taking him home why didn’t he just take the dog back into the place and tell them the dog smells bad…!!?? It makes NO sense…maybe the stench was from himself and not the dog…fancy vehicle he’s driving. Could of put down a rug for the dog instead of doing what he did..!!


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