Man breaks car window to rescue dog struggling to breathe in hot car

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In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a man broke through a car window to rescue a dog struggling to breathe by sticking his muzzle out of the two-inch crack.

According to WmurNews9, Gerasimos Klonis had been leaving a local restaurant when he heard the pup.

“The dog is sticking its snout out of a one-to-two-inch crack trying to breathe. It was obviously struggling to breathe,” Klonis stated

After Klonis and his girlfriend called 911 and waited 20 minutes for the police, he decided it was time to act. The dog appeared tired and continued trying to scratch his way out of the vehicle. That’s when Klonis grabbed a crowbar and smashed the window.

“The longer I waited, the more I was thinking about this moral dilemma to myself, the more the answer became obvious to me because the dog was in clear distress,” he explained.

Minutes later both the owner and police arrived at the scene. It is legal to break into a car to rescue a dog or a child in Albuquerque. The video showed Klonis and his girlfriend giving the dog water.

The dog’s owner faces animal cruelty charges. Klonis received stitches and a tetanus shot. The dog had been wearing a service vest; the owner said he wasn’t sure if the dog would be allowed in the restaurant.

It’s summer. Leave your dogs at home!

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  1. What is it that compels people to leave their pets in hot cars instead of leaving them comfortably at home? I DON’T GET IT!

  2. The guy should have busted out every window in the whole car, including the windshield and rear window to teach this SOB owner a lesson. He said he didn’t know if the dog would be allowed in the restaurant but he didn’t bother to ask. If the dog hadn’t been allowed in, eat somewhere else or go home and eat. Leaving an animal in a hot car is beyond stupid, but then, you can’t fix stupid.

  3. SO what THE HELL TOOK SO LONG FOR RESCUE TO GET THERE ???? NON ER! COFFEE BREAKE OR JUST PLAIN INDIFFERENCE??? Glad they broke the window out!!! What a Stupid Owner… Their SERVICE DOG NO LESS!!! WTF!!!!


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