Helpless and scared, 15-pound pup avoided all human touch

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In rural Texas, hidden in a shelter with no public access, a helpless and scared 15-pound pup shivered and cried in the corner of her kennel cage avoiding all human touch. She had been taken away from her owner pending an animal cruelty charge.

And so the story begins with a Christmas miracle by Dallas Dog -Rescue.Rehab.Reform ; the dog had been in the shelter for 30 days alone. There is no staff at the shelter; it is a small set of kennels for use by the animal control officers.

A volunteer able to network the dogs from that shelter posted a plea for help on social media; the pup’s photo and her video became imprinted in their heads.

Soon after, the pup who had no faith in humans any longer, the pup who had been betrayed and repeatedly beaten with a belt, tied to a tree outside and soon destined to die – has been rescued.

“She is what our rescue stands up for, we will always stand up for the last resort dogs, the one that is easily overlooked, and will take a lot of time, love and patience to REHAB! She will not be easy, she will take work and time, but with that she will come to learn love and trust humans,” the organization posted on their Facebook page.

On Sunday, the dog arrived in Dallas and after time while she is allowed to decompress, will be evaluated by a trainer and a plan will be put in place. She is so frightened, she urinates with the touch of a human hand, she shakes in fear and tries to hide.

She has been named Gia – (Italian origin meaning “God’s gracious gift). A foster home is needed – someone who can help teach her that humans can be good.

For more information how to help Gia and to donate, please click:

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Venmo @Dallas-DogRRR

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  1. Please take great care of Gia. She deserves so much! This story made me cry like so many others. I love dogs and the photo broke my heart. This sweet girl will soon know what it is to love and be loved. Please don’t give up on this sweet baby. I’ll be praying for her. ? Thank you for saving her.


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