‘Don’t turn away’: Phoenix is real and now safe

Dog euthanized after testing positive for Covid-19
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In Collinsville, Oklahoma, a stray dog was captured on Saturday morning. Sadly, the dog dubbed Phoenix is real; he is a heartbreaking picture of extreme animal abuse and neglect.

According to the Skiatook Paws & Claws Animal Rescue, Phoenix had been wandering and scavenging for food. Too many people just looked away. He had been running loose in Collinsville for an extended period of time, and his plight had just been brought to the rescue organization’s attention last week. Phoenix was someone’s dog once upon a time; someone failed him, and this is what happened.


“PHOENIX WILL RISE: These pictures are tough to look at… but don’t turn away. The wonderful folks with Skiatook Paws & Claws Animal Rescue have been working to rescue this poor baby for days in the Collinsville area… and they finally have him! They don’t know his story, they don’t know what caused this. They only know he is safe, never to be abused or neglected again (if that was the case). He will only know love, caring, kindness and healing from here on out. The vets and staff at Family Animal Medicine – Owasso, OK are caring for Phoenix now. If you click over to that page you can donate directly to help cover the cost for his care.”


Phoenix is now safe and comfortable; his quality of life is being assessed by medical experts, and there have been reports of this dog wagging his tail and offering kisses to his rescuers and the veterinary staff.

Check out his video after only a few hours of having been rescued and receiving care.

“… he is safe and COMFORTABLE at our vet Family Animal Medicine. He is warm and fed and his pain is being managed closely by professionals. If they or we felt he was suffering, with no quality of life or chance of having a good quality of life, other decisions would be made. However, currently, that is not the case, and individuals who find it necessary to comment about euthanizing him – please don’t.”

Donate straight to the rescue’s account at Family Animal Medicine – Owasso, OK to help! Donations can also be received by clicking here.

Updates to follow.

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Yesterday: Horse with broken legs abandoned and left to die

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  1. CRYING my eyes out and VERY ANGRY! Law enforcement, animal control and ESPECIALLY LAZY, DERELICT judges: why do YOU ALL continue to MAKE SURE that these abusers continue to roam freely, while WE have to DEAL with this s**t?! Keep PUSHING US OVER THE EDGE and one day you all just might find YOUR OWN SELVES being pushed over a cliff!


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