Dog required surgery after man shoved a light bulb inside of her body

Man put light bulb inside of dog
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A dog had to undergo surgery after an Iowa man shoved a light bulb inside of her body. As reported by the Daily Nonpareil, 72-year-old Clifford Gustin admitted to his family that he had inserted a light bulb into their dog…he did not admit to his perverse act until 24 hours after it was committed.

Chief Animal Control Officer Galen’s report about the incident states that the accused man,

 “did place a…light bulb into the vagina of his dog, Athena.”

After the family learned what happened, Athena was taken to VCA Midwest Veterinary Referral & Emergency Center in Omaha where she underwent surgery to have the light bulb removed.

The bulb was removed from Athena’s body and she now resides with a new family. The man accused of inserting the light bulb into her body has only been ordered to pay a $350 fine.

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(Image detail: Blowing dandelion with tiny hearts and paw prints with a sweet message of kindness)

Yesterday: Devastating end for Logan, the puppy with the broken heart – more here.

More: Scared, senior dog on “the list” at busy animal control  more here.

More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page.

Incredible encounter!

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  1. WHAT THE HELL is WRONG with the Judge and the Prosecution and Judge in this Horrific Ordeal for this PUP.. Torture and Abuse is WORTH about $1.00 a day… Iowa YOUR JUDICAL SYSTEM SUCKS!!!! Your state has NO MORAL ETHICS in the TREATMENT of ANIMAL”SHAME!! SHAME!! ON YOU!!!

  2. WTF??? This man is a monster!!! And he only got a damn little fine??!! He needs 2 b put in prison 4 life!! An never allowed 2 own or b near another animal! Poor baby doggy!! Thank goodness she had surgery and was saved!! And I’m so glad she was rehomed!

  3. I want to kick this sick fk’r in the face and stomp his head in. everyone needs to look at his face don’t allow him near your animals or children.


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