Dog abandoned in shoddy wooden dog house

dog abandoned with dog house
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Most sensible people know that if you can no longer keep your pet, you find him or her a new home, or visit an animal shelter and properly surrender them. It should go without saying that dumping a dog alongside a road, with their old dog house, is unacceptable.

On Friday, California’s Santa Cruz Animal Shelter utilized social media with poignant images, and a stern reminder, after a dog was found dumped with her house:

Our officers are investigating a case of dog abandonment after a person or persons left a dog in it’s dog house on the side of the road in Watsonville. Thankfully, a concerned citizen called our dispatcher and we were able to rescue the dog.

Reminding people of the obvious…don’t dump:

The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter is an Open Door Admission Shelter and we take in any animal free of charge without questions asked. Abandoning an animal is a crime and can cause unnecessary suffering to the animal. If you have an animal you no longer want please surrender him or her to the Shelter.

Comments to the cruel dog dumping incident have been pouring in:

How cruel, heartless and evil!


I’m glad the pup was helped. I hope it finds a good forever home after this. I hope the people that did this are found and held accountable.

Overall disbelief for the cruelty some people are capable of was expressed as well:

I will never understand that mentality.. it’s so ignorant. 🤬

This is heart wrenching! I hope someone turns them in. Just cruel!

Visit the Facebook page for the shelter which is caring for this dumped dog here.

More news, updates, funny videos and memes on the National Animal News Facebook page.

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More: Dog finally freed from years in a hellish mud pit – more here.

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  1. Wonder if fingerprints can be lifted from the outside of the doghouse to catch those f—ers. What heartless pieces of crap. So sick of all the idiots in this world..way too many of them!!!!!!

  2. What a super sad picture of this dog still in his/her dog house. Glad someone rescued this dog and hope someone knows the so called owner who did this and he/she gets charged heavy fines for dumping their dog off like this. What, too embarrassed to take you dog to the shelter and say you can’t take care of the dog anymore? Afraid someone is going to call you on this and you don’t want to be harassed or answer any questions so you do the cowardly thing. Hope someone knows whose dog this in and turns this vile monster in.

  3. Not the way to get rid of your dog. I hope he/she finds a new family that will love it. Shame on whoever did this, as the article says, the shelter takes them in no questions asked, this was unnecessary!


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