Cruel owners sliced off puppies ears after watching ‘how to’ videos

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In San Antonio, Texas, officials are investigating recent incidents where suspects sliced off puppies ears themselves after watching “how to” videos on the internet.

According to FoxNews Antonio, the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services, cruelty investigators are seeking information concerning two unrelated cases where  cruel owners sliced off most of the ears of pit bull puppies instead taking the pets to a licensed veterinarian. In Texas, it is illegal for a non-licensed veterinarian to perform ear cropping.

The first case that took place on March 14 when investigating officers reported the dog owner used pruning shears to  cut the ears of his dog “Jefe” after watching an “instructional video”  or “how to video”online. The next case occurred on March 24 in a living room of a home as photos of procedure were posted online by the owner. That puppy, named Sancho, had been sedated as the owner showed the puppy’s bloodied ears.

Both puppies have been surrendered to Animal Care. Jefe has since been adopted and Sancho is recuperating at the shelter.

Felony animal cruelty charges are pending in both cases. Anyone with more information is asked to call 311.

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