Abandoned: Dog found dumped in ditch with his wheelchair

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Another heartless person broke Bear’s heart and even worse – dumped him in a ditch along with his wheelchair in Ohio late last week. Bear suffers from Degenerate Myelopathy – a disease which attacks their spine resulting in loss of function in their back legs.

According to Trina & Friends K-9 Rescue, located in Bedford, New York, Bear was taken to the Humane Society of Ohio where he was scanned and his microchip read. When his owners were contacted, they didn’t want their dog returned.

“Every dog deserves a happy home, but mostly a special needs one. Trina is my dog and the name behind my rescue; she has DM and I’m all too familiar with the disease,” wrote rescue founder, Karina Rosito on Facebook. “Bear was abandoned left to die how can people be so cruel?”

And when Bear needed help, Trina & Friends K-9 Rescue were ready to take him home, but an adopter from New Hampshire stepped up to help. On Monday, Bear left Ohio to travel to his new forever home.

“…I had to help him and truly it takes a village of wonderful people to help because without their help this isn’t possible. We wish you a beautiful life Bear – you are now home.”

Angels are out there; many thanks to Susan Baker for loving Bear.

To help Trina & Friends K-9 Rescue, please click here.

(Photos of Bear with his wheelchair via FB)

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  1. His family loved Bear enough to invest in a wheel chair and then dump him? This breaks my heart. If he had become too much of a problem then the kind thing would have been to let him go. Bless Susan Baker, there is a special place reserved in heaven for her and Bear!

  2. Bless the “village” that came through for this dear little one, and the kind and loving person who will give hime all the love in his new home!

  3. Sometimes angels save other angels! As for the owners–they should be
    strapped in wheelchairs and thrown in front of a speeding train!

  4. A chair that size is quite Expensive…. I am astounded Beyond belief that a Compassionate Person : One that had it custom made for Bear Could / Would do such a Callous Thing>>> I hope that person Suffers a paralyzing Stroke!!!!! and then has time on their hands to think about the dog they GAVEUP on as the lay in their own waste because their Caretaker Left them in their bed for several days and they can’t reach a phone and Golly Can’t Get to the Door!!! Maybe the Mailman will notice someone didn’t pick up the mail for the box for a couple weeks!!!! Oh Gosh They Died!!!

  5. I have a 10 yr old rescue dog who was diagnosed with DM a few months ago. I’d never think to get rid of him like yesterday’s trash. Some people don’t deserve dogs. Some people are just trash. So glad this boy can can live out his life with someone who deserves him.

  6. Glad Bear has found his forever home in spite of his former owners who dumped him and refused to take him back. There should be criminal charges against them for abandoning their disabled dog and walking away. What scum!


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