Washington teens killed five deer ‘to bait and shoot eagles’

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When a Klickitat County, Washington sheriff’s deputy detained three teenagers for carrying a loaded rifle in their vehicle, he was shocked to find out the kids had killed five deer “to bait and shoot eagles.”

According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police, the deputy had initially planned to cite the teens with a warning for the rifle, but quickly found out none of them were licensed to drive. In addition, besides the loaded rifle, the officer observed fresh blood and deer fur. During a search of the area, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police found a doe recently killed. Alongside of the doe, there were four other deer carcasses in various stages of decomposition.

“During this piece of the investigation, another juvenile was detected hiding on the hillside above the officers. After disarming the 17 year old, investigators learned he had been looking for an eagle that he admitted to shooting. The eagle was not recovered. Two rifles were seized for intended forfeiture and criminal charges will be referred to the County Prosecutors Office.”

Two of the teens are 17-years-old and the two others are 15-years of age. They face charges of killing an eagle which is a legally protected bird in the State of Washington. In addition the youths can be charged for hunting deer out of season and carrying firearms.

Bald eagles and golden eagles are two types of eagles found in Washington state and are protected by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald & Golden Eagle Protection Act. There are currently more than 550 active Bald Eagle nests in the state.

“These federal laws prohibits the take, transport, sale, barter, trade, import and export, and possession of eagles, making it illegal for anyone to collect eagles and eagle parts, nests, or eggs without a permit. Native Americans are able to possess these emblems which are traditional in their culture.”

If found guilty of illegally killing an eagle, the guilty person can be fined up to $5,000 and be sentenced to one year in prison. The dead eagle has not been found.

(Photos  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police)

What were they thinking? Why? Please keep comments civil.

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  1. Besides the cruelty as already noted, the fact of disrespect of life at such a young age, should cause authorities to closely monitor the teens lives, to ensure the safety of humanity. Killing of wildlife, and/or pets may indicate the teens are predisposed to do much worse with their aging.

    • Potential serial killers ! They should have additional charges, driving without a license, hunting without a license, in the off season , leaving carcasses, shooting on private property if so. One year in jail and a 5000 fine is not enough!

  2. Teens like this need to be made to work so it keeps them off the street. They should be working in a wildlife rescue. Perhaps it will teach them to respect wild life

  3. One year and a fine isn’t enough punishment for killing an eagle. Not only is this animal cruelty, but it shows an utter disrespect for our nation and one of our most important national symbols.

    What kind of monsters are being raised these days, anyway?

  4. Idiots………..send them to jail then fine their PARENTS THOUSANDS for NOT knowing what they were doing during the day. Geezzz people….wake up!! KIDS NEED DIRECTION FROM ADULTS…not buddies!

  5. This is learned behavior I’d look into the parents and I’d bet they have done the same thing.
    Only 1 yr & $5000 fine definitely not enough and they should be required to go to counseling for several years for this behavior is a stepping stone to far more violent behavior toward children & adults. Psychopaths in the early stages.

  6. Keep comments civil? How does one comment civilly to such blatant sociopathic cruelty? Whatever the most severe punishment is for these individuals, please apply it. If they get nothing but a slap on the hand, they will not stop. And start by fining their parents very healthy sums. I have no doubt they knew exactly what these kids were planning and doing.


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