Update: Pittsburgh lawyer accused of sexually abusing puppy

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A Pittsburgh lawyer accused of sexually abusing a puppy will stand trial on numerous felony counts of animal cruelty as well as misdemeanor counts of having sexual intercourse with an animal and drug charges.

According to the Post Gazette, Ivan DeVoren, 61, will be freed with an ankle monitor and “intense supervision of drug addiction and mental health issues,” according to his attorneys. On Thursday, Judge Kevin Cooper, Jr. ruled DeVoren will be tried in court on ten felony counts of aggravated animal cruelty, ten misdemeanor charges of having sex with an animal and four misdemeanor charges for drugs. DeVoren has been in jail since the end of January.

On January 28, Pittsburgh police served a search warrant and found drugs and drug related paraphernalia in the home and seized the six-month-old Labrador retriever named Snoopy. According to the police, witnesses claim to have repeatedly heard “sex sounds” coming from DeVoren’s apartment; the witnesses have claimed that they heard the sound of a dog whimpering, as well inappropriate language and creaking furniture. The witnesses recorded each alleged sexual encounter between DeVoren and the dog which led to the warrant and the arrest.

Snoopy was treated for internal injuries and is now in a “place where he is well cared for” detectives stated.

Read previous article here.

(Photo of Pittsburgh lawyer accused of having sex with puppy via CbsPittsburgh)

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Nine breeder dogs found stuffed in a small cage that was dumped in an alley – read more here.

Caged breeder dogs dumped in an alley

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  1. A lawyer no less. We are not safe,nor our pets, from things like this. Glad the neighbors recorded what they heard and gave it to the police. This scum will hopefully have his ability to practice law removed. Can you imagine having consulted him for legal matters?

  2. Castrate him and he’ll nevet do that to another animal. Another Sub-Human taking up space and breathing clean air.

  3. FUCKING PERVERT!!!!! Sick freak needs to be in prison .. he likes to abuse an innocent pup . OK, he’ll get LOTS of it done on him there

  4. Ivan DeVoren is nothing but a total and complete sack of shit – he is a piss poor example of an attorney, man and human being – his sexual abuse of a puppy proved he is unable to ever be around society and animals ever again. And, because he is a lawyer Pittsburgh sat back and did nothing but electronic monitor him which allows him to go home – he should be sitting in jail awaiting trial and become the victim of the inmates who can make HIM the object of sexual abuse – way to go Pittsburgh – your preferential treatment of this maggot is obvious not to mention treating a puppy like a disposable object. Pittsburgh should be ashamed.


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