Update: 14-year-old Muneca sad days are over

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When a heartbreaking video of 14-year-old Muneca struggling to walk on what appeared to be an unattended broken leg, animal advocates were brought to tears. The neglect this dog must have endured for most of her life had to have been challenging, yet she held no grudges and balanced herself the best way she could engineer.

A video posted by shelter volunteer Karen Klink brought Muneca’s plight to the public through social media:


And in less than one day, Muneca was rescued by Saving Huey Foundation and Tracy Lystra.  On Thursday afternoon, rescue volunteer Cathi Perez held a happy dog – check out the smiles on both faces as they left the shelter.


“Thank you Faith Easdale for all your help, thank you to the staff and volunteers who took such good care of her, thank you Jodi Carter and Tanaya Nicole for all your help always, thank you Jul Dee , Jackie Aow and thank you Karen Klink for all you do for all the dogs here, all the love (and treats) you give and for your heartbreaking/life saving video of Muneca,” Cathi stated. 

It does take a village and the voices for those who cannot speak. We hope everyone’s heart is smiling.

Donation Information:

You may honor pledges or donate to OPCA/ SAVING HUEY FOUNDATION:

• Via MUNECA’s PayPal DONATE Link:https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8U7GM7URCPQZA

30724 Benton Rd. Ste. C302-479
Winchester, CA 92596

★PLEASE be sure to note that your donation is for “MUNECA, L.A. County Animal Care & Control: Baldwin Park ID #A5201126”★

Read prior article here.

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  1. OH I AM SO VERY HAPPY that this Dear and Precious Little Dog has found Love and a Home, Bless you all and particularly Cathi and , OF COURSE Muneca! OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!


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