Two dogs burned to death after thug stole truck and set it on fire

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A 25-year-old thug has been arrested after he allegedly stole a Toyota Hilux from a home in Broadwood located in the northern area of New Zealand on Friday night and set the truck on fire trapping two of the owners’ hunting dogs.

According to the NewsHub, Chad and Theo Scrivener’s property had been broken into, their utility vehicle stolen and shortly thereafter crashed into a nearby paddock. Two of their three boar hunting dogs had been sleeping in dog kennels in the back of the vehicle and were trapped inside after the thieves set fire to the truck.

“…They crashed the ute into a paddock then came back just before daylight to take the car away which they’d left behind, but they could not do so,” stated Malcolm Scrivener, the father of the two men whose property had been vandalized. “Then they got petrol and set the Hilux alight knowing full well the dogs were in there … all they had to do was to open the door fo the dog box and let them out.”

The suspect was brought into the Kaitaia Police station on Monday after he was turned in by his family. He faces charges of animal cruelty, arson and theft of a motor vehicle. His name has not been released, although he is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday afternoon.

Nirvan Doaks, a partner of the Scrivener’s, shared graphic images of the burned out truck on her Facebook page. The photos have been circulating through social media with readers and followers demanding justice. Authorities have asked people to be patient while the investigation continues.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Kaitaia Police at 09 408 6500 or to Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111.

Rest in peace loyal dogs.

(Photos of dogs set on fire by thug via Facebook)

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More: United Airlines has another mishap with someone’s dog

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  1. Take a look at the photo with the owner posing with his dogs. From what I see, and I hate to say it, but these dogs are better off dead. All three of these animals are being starved. Even in this small picture, you can clearly see and count EACH RIB in them. Shame on YOU CHAD and THEO for starving your loyal hunting dogs. After clearly seeing the starved condition of these poor dogs, these selfish, arrogant bastards deserve what they got for being so cheap that they don’t even feed their dogs properly. Ass wipes!

  2. Only ONE appropriate sentence for this heinous act: BIBLICAL RETRIBUTION!
    Lock this bast*rd in a box, and set it ablaze!

  3. Bastard! All this thug had to do was let them out or remove the cage, but NO, he chose to prove what a subhuman piece of scum he is by burning them alive.

    Okay, so the punishment should fit the crime. He deserves to have the EXACT same thing done to him. No mercy because he deserves none, as he has none in his putrid, none existent soul.

  4. I guess my first question is why the dogs were sleeping in kennels in the back of the truck. The person that did this needs to be put away for a long time, they stole and killed two innocent dogs, I applaud their family for turning them in! My condolences to the family of these dogs, so sorry for your loss.

  5. The dogs Should Not have been shut in the boxes in the first “Fkin” place… Maybe they were put there because they may want to have a little something to eat!! After all they need energy to track and fight off wild boars!!! Holy Cow these poor dogs were treated in a horrific fashion and to HAVE to DIE that Way WAS SO UNJUST!! only ones I have respect for are the family members that turned in the bastard that set the fire…

  6. I applaud the family that turned in this punk – may his stay in jail be one of abuse, intimidation, and cruelty on a daily basis.


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