Tiny dachshund ballooned to 3 times his size after windpipe punctured

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A tiny dachshund ballooned to three times his size on Tuesday after its punctured windpipe caused the dog to inflate with every breath he took as it escaped into his body.

According to the Daily Mail, the dog’s owner Fran Jennings, from Cheshire, United Kingdom, was shocked when she walked into the room and spotted her dog named Trevor looking more like a seal than a dog. She immediately scooped him up and took him to a 24-hour veterinary hospital for life saving treatment.

Michelle Coward of the Warrington’s Beech House Veterinary Clinic, treated four-year-old Trevor and admitted she had never seen anything quite like what happened to the pint sized pooch.

“Every time he took a breath, some of the inhaled air escaped through a hole in his windpipe around the muscles and fatty tissue under the skin, and x-rays showed the emphysema was worsening,” Dr. Coward stated. “Surgery was the only way to repair the injury but due to its location, there was a significant risk of complications.”

As the air leaked out under Trevor’s skin, even his heart lifted away from his sternum. When vets discovered a hole in his windpipe, he was stitched up and then carefully “deflated.” His rare condition with the sub-cutaneous emphysema is known as subcutis or hyperdermis.


Trevor’s surgery was a success, and since being released from the hospital, he is back to his playful and active little pup – entertaining himself with his favorite pastime – chasing chickens.

(Photos screenshots via Cascade News Media)

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  1. GET Well TREVOR from long distance cousins in The USA!!!! Such loving little dogs they are and naughty at times too. Thanks to him mommy for LOVING him enough to get him fixed!!!


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