Smile break: Which dog ate owner’s shoe?

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Need a smile break?  Check out this adorable video filmed in Worcester County, Massachusetts on Sunday. It seems a woman is interrogating her dogs to find out who the culprit is that ate her shoe while the family was away from home.


The woman addresses each dog separately; we’re talking about equally guilty looking pooches named Kady and Monroe. It takes a moment or two for the guilty pooch to really look guilty. Sometimes no words are needed. Check out Kady whose owner can be heard in the video:

“Kady can’t hide her guilt.”

Check out the video from MsnNews. Hope you had a smile break.

Video available here: (Copy and paste for best results)

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Guide dog leads blind mistress into pet store – read the adorable ‘tail’ here.

City council meeting discussion over NYC “death row dogs” – read more here

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  1. What a cutie, hard to stay mad at Kady! I learned a long time ago, if they chewed something they shouldn’t have, it was MY fault for leaving it where they could get it. Mine always stayed in their crates if we needed to go somewhere, until they could be trusted.


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