Shelter pens emotional note to person who left pregnant dog on side of road

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In Lemoore, California, an animal shelter penned an emotional post to the unknown person who abandoned a heavily pregnant dog on the side of the road. And so the dog’s sad story began when her owner dropped her off as if she were discarding an old tire.

“We know you don’t care that she was attacked by other animals while she searched for food. We know you don’t care that she had to climb into thorn bushes to give birth in order keep her babies safe. We know you have already forgotten the look on her face when you drove away after discarding her like an old tire on the side of the road. We also know that YOU are the reason we continue to rescue these amazing animals. We know she is full of love and kindness….love and kindness that you obviously lack! Your lack of compassion for this beautiful momma is sickening. She is not trash. So don’t worry your selfish, heartless, lazy, ignorant little head. She doesn’t need you,” wrote a volunteer from the Kings SPCA Halfway Home on their Facebook page.

The dog had been spotted three days before rescuers were able to save her. “Momma” had been befriended by a woman who was able to win the dog’s trust. And when SPCA Halfway Home arrived, they noticed the dog had been lactating, yet there were no puppies in sight.

“We leashed her and played puppies crying on You Tube. She jumped up and were moving. Making sure we reminded her how amazing she was for being so strong out there. ‘Good Momma, lets finds the babies!’ She pulled her finder into a huge cluster of sticks and brush a ways down the road. Being stabbed and poked from every direction, her finder didn’t miss a beat and climbed over and under huge branches until Momma climbed into a small deep hole in the bushes.”

Under a protected section of tangled bushes and huge branches, her precious puppies were discovered.

“Her finder squealed ‘we found them!!!!!'”
When we finally got all the pups in a crate and got them and Momma into the car she put her face next to the crate, she let out a long breath and closed her beautiful eyes. She was finally able to rest. She didn’t have to worry about herself and her pups being attacked. She didn’t have to worry about finding food. She was safe with her babies.”

Thank you to the kind women that called us and sat with her until we could get out to where Momma was found. Most people do not dive head first into unknown brush following a dog but one woman didnt think twice. It reminds me that there are selfless, compassionate people still around that are fighting the same fight to save a life….or in this case a family.”

To help this beautiful dog, her puppies and other precious lives, donations can be made through this link.

Check out her video:

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  1. Bless this precious Momma and her pups, I hope and pray they all find loving homes. Thank you to the people who helped her, it’s good to know there are still caring angels among us.

  2. ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????

  3. So glad this family was saved and they are all ok. Thank God for good samaritans! Moms will do whatever it takes to keep their babies safe.

  4. OMG !!! The Lady that found and notified the Kings Rescue is “ONE IN A MILLION” this lovely, kind and gentle Momma to her pups sure didn’t Deserve the PUTRID VERMINOUS SNAKE she had for an owner.. With her personality The Perfect person or family will Cherish her, and those pups will have the gentle nature She has too. May the Person that Abandoned her ” Meet Up with True Evil”!! There are enough like them walking this Nation.. we could ALL do with ONE LESS!!!

  5. To the person who abandoned this lovely mother dog: you are the epitome of sub-human, evil, selfish scum. YOU could have taken her to a shelter, called SPCA or any other number of ways to reach out for help. Apparently, you are not only heartless, but LAZY…shame on you! I hope you do not have children, because if you can do this to an innocent momma dog, God only knows how abusive and neglectful you are of children.
    To the woman who found, called for help and waited for help to arrive: may you be blessed 1000 fold for your selfless act of kindness and tenacity to brave the thorns to find those puppies.
    To SPCA: you NEVER disappoint, may God bless you 1 million fold for continuing to fight the hateful, arrogant lazy idiots by showing how it’s meant to be in God’s world and His love of His children and animals. I hope this will inspire others to support your love and work for animals with many donations. I donate to you monthly.
    To Pet Rescue Report: thank you for your continued hard work to make us ALL aware of what’s going on in the pet and animal world. Many of these things would still be hiding in the shadows of violent abuse and neglect of God’s creatures.

  6. Thank you wonderful,selfless rescuers and the woman who initially found her. That is what loving and caring for animals is all about. Bless you people.

  7. The inhumanity of these kinds of humans who can leave a pregnant dog or any dog out where they can be attacked and hurt instead of getting them to a shelter or for goodness sake a rescue, is mind boggling. God bless those humans who act like humans and have a warm heart of compassion.
    God bless you Momma and your pups


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