Selene’s unbelievable journey to rescue after she nearly bled to death

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In Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, it must have been Selene’s adrenaline that helped her make it to a field after having been hit by a car. The young dog’s front leg had been split open; had it not been for a Good Samaritan who called rescuers from Animal Aid Unlimited, the dog would have bled to death.


Although she openly seemed to be writhing in agony, Selene was so frightened when rescuers arrived, she jumped up and painfully hobbled further into the field – although she didn’t growl or show any aggression. Slowly the rescuers were able to gain her trust, and when they were finally able to cover her with a blanket and carry her back to the waiting ambulance, Selene knew she was going to be helped.


Back at the hospital, she was sedated; her wound flushed and cleaned. As veterinarians examined the wound, which actually had exposed the four major muscles of her leg torn apart, there were no major arteries or veins severed.  Selene underwent surgery – not to amputate her leg, but to repair it and help her heal.


One month later Selene’s unbelievable journey to rescue needs to be seen. Her frightening story will renew your faith in humans. Behind her surgery and recovery is the loving support of donors:


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  1. Bless you Animal Aid Unlimited for coming through for Selene – you saved her life – and I hope she gets the safe loving home she obviously never had – only due to her determination, a kind Samaritan and Animal Aid was she saved. And to the maggot puke who hit her and left her to die – it is your turn for a date with a tractor trailer.


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