Puppy suffers broken leg and knocked out teeth from suspected abuse

abuse leaves puppy with broken leg and missing teeth
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A young puppy, just three-to-four months of age, has suffered more than any dog should ever have to. According to Out of the Ashes Pit Bull Rescue, the pup, dubbed Patch, was abused by a man who knocked out several his teeth and broke his leg.

In early November, the Arkansas-based animal rescue group detailed the cruelty:

This guy is only 3-4 months old and has already experienced the worst of humanity. His owner’s boyfriend broke his leg and kicked in several of his teeth. I will be picking him up today from the shelter.

The injuries

Patch suffered with his injuries for an extended period of time – despite his pain, he has remained friendly and loving. On November 6, the rescue agency updated Facebook followers about the veterinarian’s assessment of his leg injury:

The left leg is much worse than expected. The break in his left leg is moving around and causing muscular and vascular damage in the surrounding tissue of the leg. Something must be done to the leg immediately

The damage leaves two options to help Patch lead a normal, pain-free life. The rescue group explained:

Our first option is corrective surgery, where plates and screws would be used to stabilize the break and a bone graph would be done so that it could hopefully heal properly. Since these injuries are older (at least a month) the corrective surgery has a 60-70% success rate as opposed to an 85-95% success rate if the injuries were taken care of immediately. This surgery will cost about $4500. Our second option is amputation. This surgery would only be about $2500, but if removed we have an increased risk of causing more damage to the right leg, which will be another $4500 surgery if it has to be corrected. If we choose the corrective surgery for the left leg and it doesn’t heal properly we may still have to amputate anyway.

Helping Patch

Donations to help this puppy get all of the care that he needs can be made via PayPal at [email protected] or directly to the rescue group’s Facebook page here.

The local authorities are investigating this animal cruelty situation.

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Yesterday in the news: Sad senior dog longs for someone to notice her at the shelter – more here.

More: Starved dog found thrown away in a dumpster – more here.

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