Pup rescued from Mexico years ago chased burglar out of family home

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A puppy rescued from Mexico years ago by a family while on vacation turned out paying his family back after chasing a burglar out their Seattle home late last week.

According to Kings5News, early Thursday morning Lara Sukol was awakened by strange sounds outside of her home and then the sound of a window breaking. Immediately, the family dog, Bella, jumped out of her bed, raced downstairs and began barking. The burglar, who had entered Lara’s home after breaking the window in the basement, ran away.

“She simply just heard a noise and she was protecting her territory and chased the guy away,” Lara stated. “She told me she’s no hero, she was just doing her job.”

Authorities were able to track down two suspects after Lara supplied police with a description of the getaway car and driver who had been parked in her driveway in the Ballard neighborhood where she resides.

Even the police gave Bella a “shout out” for stopping another burglary recently reported in the area. As for Bella, the mixed breed is the perfect protection for her human.

There are so many “Bella’s” awaiting for adoption. This particular hero came from Cozumel Humane Society in Mexico. Just maybe another dog can be adopted today?

Follow the National Pet Rescue and read the latest animal related news.

More: Noseless dog has found a home – the story here.

Recently in the news: Considering CBD for your pet? Know what to look for (and what to avoid)!

Ahh, so sweet

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  1. IN return for the LOVE and Home provided Bella ::: Her owner May have had her Life Saved in Return … I hope this little family has many more years together… Bless them both this New Year…..


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