Orphaned pup holds rescuer’s hand with her paw during car trip

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When Regan’s owner died, no one in the family came to her aid and sadly the four-year-old orphaned pup ended up in a shelter in Lebanon, Tennessee. She was sad, scared and very confused; what happened to the only home she ever knew? Where was her human? How could anyone explain to Regan what happened?

Fortunately for Regan, Kim Mozena Rezac, founder of the Goofy Foot Dog Rescue  and director of animal welfare for Animal Rescue Corps, happened to be at the shelter when the dog arrived. For the next three days, Kim worked with the dog to regain her trust. When Regan began to wag her tail with glee whenever she saw Kim, it was decided Regan was ready for a foster home where she could receive more individual attention in preparation for adoption.

And so Kim decided she would foster the dog.

“You could tell she was scared and afraid. I would go in and give her treats and sit with her and talk,” Kim told Today. “Our shelter is wonderful and our volunteers do such a great job with the animals. But I hated for her to be there if she could be curled up on a couch at my house.”

When it was time to go home, Kim and Regan set off in the car for the trip. Mind you now, the next part of this story will make your heart smile.

“She wanted to hold my hand the whole way. If I took it away she would paw at it. She just wanted to be touching,” Kim explained.

Kim videoed the special moments and soon posted the dog’s touching reaction to Facebook hoping to attract someone who would want to adopt her with the special post.

“So this girl’s person died and she found herself homeless. She was in the shelter for a couple days and I felt sorry for her so I brought her home. How sweet is she????”

And it worked! More than three million views and lots of adoption requests from all over the world flooded in. Two days later Regan  had found her perfect new family. Obviously what the world needs more of – is love.

(Photos of orphaned pup Regan by Kim Mozena Rezac)

Check out the video:


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