Newborn puppies covered in fleas left alone at shelter gate

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Four newborn puppies were discovered outside of the Jackson County Animal Shelter in Gautier, Mississippi on Thursday morning. Covered with hundreds and hundreds of fleas, the staff scooped the babies up and brought them inside. Tragically, two of the puppies had already died.

“They were found this morning by the staff covered in hundreds of fleas,” Maridee Bond Mallette, adoption coordinator at the shelter posted on her Facebook page. ” 2 of the puppies had already died. So they washed the other 2 puppies and now we are desperately looking for a foster to take home these 2 bottle babies.”

The two surviving puppies have been placed in a foster home and are being cared for around the clock.

At this time the owner of these puppies is unknown. Although there is no satisfactory explanation for abandoning newborn puppies, could the mother dog have died? Were the puppies unwanted? No matter what the reason, there is no excuse for animal cruelty and neglect.

Anyone with information about these puppies and where they may have come from, is asked to contact the Jackson County Animal Shelter in Gautier. Please spay and neuter your pets.

Anyone with access to puppy formula is encouraged to contact the shelter at:

4400 Audubon Lane
Gautier, Mississippi 39553
(228) 497-6350
 Check out surveillance video of the people who dumped the puppies. They were dumped at 7:30 p.m. on May 16, and spent all night by themselves until discovered in the morning by the staff at the shelter.
 or here:

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Teens charged for beating possum and her babies to death with a bat – read more here.


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  1. The owner of these “LITTLE CREATURES”” suffering from vermin that could have been easily prevented NEEDS to STAND BEFORE a firing squad… WHICH I KNOW WOULD NEVER IN THIS PLACE AND TIME HAPPEN & so does THE EVIL BASTARD that did this!!!

  2. I agree with Penny and the firing squad but know that won’t happen. The best we can hope for is that these scum are found and arrested or the murder of the 2 pups who died. Maybe pay for the care of the 2 living pups until they are adopted. Make they pay somehow.

  3. Another viable reason I hate people – whoever, or rather, whatever is the owner is a hunk of human trash – to leave these newborns loaded with fleas to basically fend for themselves until a shelter work found them proves what pond scum they are – total and complete waste of flesh and bone – another one who desperately needs a fatal encounter with an 18 wheeler soon. No loss whatsoever. I hope the remaining puppies survive and get the safe loving home they obviously were previously denied.

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