Missing plane leaving Oklahoma for Texas had been on dog rescue mission

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A single-engine fixed wing plane which took off from Wiley Post Airport in Bethany Oklahoma on a dog rescue mission and expected to arrive four hours later on Wednesday at Georgetown Municipal Airport near Austin, Texas is missing.

According to NewsOK, the Cirrus SR-22, veered from its flight path and the pilot has been unresponsive to air traffic controllers. It was last tracked on radar 219 miles northwest of Cancun at 15,000 feet and had been headed into the Gulf of Mexico. The pilot has been identified through social media as Bill Kinsinger – flying for the volunteer animal rescue organization Pilot N Paws.

White Paws German Shepherd Rescue has been following the heartbreaking news. On their Facebook, the following update was posted:

“We at White Paws ask that you join us in prayer for Bill Kinsinger, a pilot for Pilots N Paws, and his family.

Bill was on a rescue flight and it appears there was a tragic in flight issue.

Coast Guard is searching for his plane currently.

Please pray for him and his family. He was doing what he loved.”

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans launched aircraft to investigate and reported the pilot was slouched over and appeared unconscious.

It is feared this is what may have happened although the news has not been confirmed by authorities at this time:

“The first suspicions are that the pilot could have been left unconscious, being the strongest theory, after suffering from hypoxia, which is the decrease in the oxygen levels in the arterial blood or in the body tissues, potential risk whenever flying through over 10 thousand feet, especially in small models.”

Kinsinger had been on his way to pick up Masaru, an 11-year-old husky dog. The Facebook page “Saving Masaru the senior husky” has asked its followers to keep Kinsinger and his family in their thoughts and prayers. Please note that Masaru was not on the plane and remains with his foster in Texas.

On Thursday, the U.S. Coast Guard announced they are searching for the plane approximately 118 nautical miles north of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook.

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  1. RIP Bill Kinsinger. Not too many of us can die doing what we love doing.This was a selfless man and Pilots and Paws has lost a dear friend. God Bless his family and hope they can retrieve his body for them.

  2. A friend just messaged me – apparently they found his body. I need to find confirmation, but it likely is true. Such a sad day for his family and the rescue world.

  3. It is SO sad that a wonderful caring individual has devoted and ultimately lost his life saving animals and the POS individuals are walking around care free to torture , maim, mutilate , kill the very dogs this blessed pilot was attempting to save….

    • You said it…….

      He and his family are in our prayers…….

      ???????????????????????????????????????????? for the Dog Rescue world………????????????????????????????????????????????

  4. There aren’t enough good people in this world and to lose Bill Kinsinger like this is heartbreaking. Prayers for his family and friends.

  5. If the Naval Air Station base in New Orleans sent aircraft to investigate and reported the pilot was slouched over & unconscious, why didn’t they continue following the plane? They would then know where it went down. This was a wonderful man doing so much for the rescue community. He loved doing this and is loved by so many. He will be greatly missed. Our prayers go out to his family.

    • Thanks for that link. Great article showing what a wonderful man he was, his love of dogs in need, and his willingness to work tirelessly for rescue groups and organizing others flying withs Pilots N Paws.


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