Miami Beach nightclub set to reopen after costly horse stunt

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There will be no more horses in the Mokai Lounge in Miami Beach. The club is scheduled to reopen on Wednesday after photos and a video of a scantily clad dancer fell off of a panicky white horse being led around in the lounge by a rope. A man tried to calm the animal after he slipped and bucked the dancer off of his back.

The stunt has proven  to be quite expensive for the club. According to the Statement from Miami Beach Manager Jimmy Morales the club will pay $12,150 in code violations to the city and donate $10,000 to a horse rescue charity. Only service animals will be allowed in the club. If any unauthorized animal is ever used in the club again, Morales will revoke the club’s license permanently.

“We take very seriously what transpired in that club, and we wanted to structure an arrangement that would likely ensure that such improper conduct would never happen again at this business.”

On Monday, a hearing at city hall had been joined by Mokai Lounge employees wearing orange shirts that read “Save Our Jobs.” The incident which occurred on March 8 led to the revocation of the club’s license because of animal cruelty violations and public safety hazards.

Roman Jones, the owner of the club stated the white horse in his lounge stunt was not his idea and suspended his marketing director without pay the next day.

Read the previous article here.

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More: United Airlines has another mishap with someone’s dog




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  1. I hope this owner learned a lesson for the idiotic stunt he pulled putting a horse in danger. Very glad he was fined and that the $10,000 went to a horse charity. Thankfully the horse was not injured nor was the rider.

  2. I wish ALL ANIMALS were banned from any club, restaurant, tourist attraction, etc. Animals are NOT here for human enjoyment or for LAZY PEOPLE to earn money off of!

  3. They should have closed this ghetto, low-class “club” permanently! The he’ll the owner “had no idea” that his “marketing director” was going to put a practically naked prostitute on that poor PONY, and subject it to that chaotic, frightening scene & a bad fall! Sounds like the fix was in. As for the boobs wearing “Save My Job” tees, you Trogolodytes should have thought about that before you participated in animal abuse/endangerment!


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