Lakewood police rescued dog from car after temps hit 134 degrees

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A dog in Lakewood, Colorado is safe thanks to the work of Good Samaritans and the Lakewood police saving him from a car with temperatures recorded at 134 degrees.

According to the Facebook page for the Lakewood Police Department, the dog in the car had been barking for help.

“134.6 degrees!!! That’s how hot it was in this vehicle today after a concerned citizen heard a dog barking. It is that time of year to be aware of the temperatures. 77 degrees outside warms your vehicle to over 100 degrees very quickly. Let’s keep our pets safe,” the department posted.

It is legal in Colorado to break a window in any vehicle to rescue a child or a pet as long as you obey the following:

  • You believe the person or animal is in danger.
  • You have checked to make sure the door is not unlocked.
  • You make an effort to find the owner.
  • You contact a local law enforcement agency, fire department, animal control or 911 prior to breaking into the vehicle.

The dog is expected to be fine.

(Photo of temperature showing 134.6 degrees courtesy of Lakewood Police)

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Drunk man beat his girlfriend’s small dog – read more here.

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  1. Illegal to break a window to save a live. I think I would be eilling to go to jail to save a life. They need to change the laws quickly. This is ridiculous The price of a window over the life of a dog?? You see why I hate most HUMANS?

    • Well said. If you see the owner right there, demand they take their dog out of the car or you will ARREST THEM. Look up citizen’s arrest. Old law but still very legal. That goes for those abusing their animals of any kind, starving them, no water, any abuse. Your police will have to abide by your decision.

  2. Its getting close to that time of the year and we are going to hear more stories like this. Dumb people, usually conservatives, forget that temps in the car can get very hot. Animals, and kids too, can suffer if left in such a hot car.

    • I take offense at you labeling conservatives as being dumb. I’m a conservative and I’m far from dumb. In this situation, my dogs would be left in my air conditioned, locked house while I’m running errands. Even when it’s nice weather, my dogs stay home and inside since they could be stolen if left in the car. My dogs are my kids and their best interests come first.

  3. Again, the brain dead are coming out in hordes since the weather is warming up and these idiots decide to take their animal along while they get out of the car and cruise along for God knows how long while their animal suffers due to their total lack of any sort of common sense or care. Thanks only to some good Samaritans is this dog alive – it IS legal to break a window to rescue an animal in Colorado and someone did it – otherwise this dog would be dead – these owners need to be sitting in a jail cell suffering just like they left their dog to do. How fucking dumb can you be?

  4. I hope this poor animal was NOT returned to the idiot who locked him in a hot car…… WHY TAKE YOUR PET WITH YOU…..when you can not take them INTO the places you are going!??!?!?!?


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