K9 Indi shot in face recovering after incident that left officer dead

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A police K9 shot in the face during a traffic stop that left a Dekalb County police officer dead last week was released from Blue Pearl Veterinarian hospital on Saturday. The seven-year-old Belgian Malinois named Indi underwent emergency surgery to save his life, however he did lose his right eye.

According to the DeKalb County Police,  Indi had been assisting the police in finding the suspect who fatally shot Officer Edgar Isidro Flores after fleeing a traffic stop on Thursday evening. The suspect, Brandon Taylor, 33, of Decatur, tried to run as Flores chased Taylor into the parking lot where Taylor opened fire, hitting Flores multiple times, before fleeing.

A video posted on Facebook showed a line of police cars awaiting Indi’s release from the veterinary hospital. The crowd applauded as the K9 walked by.

“Indi will continue his recovery at home with the major concern being protecting his wounds from infection,” an Instagram post read. “The bigger concern will be keeping Indi from being the very active police canine he seems ready to get back to being until he fully heals.”


It is expected that Indi, despite having lost his eye, will be able to return to duty. Once he is released from the Blue Pearl as healthy again, the K9 will be evaluated to judge whether he is able to return to work, but even if he can no longer perform as a police dog, he will live out ” the remainder of his life as a family member in their home.”

On Saturday, police officers from around the region, paid tribute to Officer Flores and his body was escorted to his hometown in Habersham County. Rest in peace Officer Flores.

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  1. Anyone want to debate with me about why we need to get tougher on crime and eliminate criminals from our midst? If you break the law, you gicebup uoyrvright to be treated decently. And if you kill someone, that’s it – you will be killed.

  2. DO YOU THINK this DeKalb Police Department Would WELCOME an OFFICER back on Teir FORCE with OPEN ARMS if Indy was placed in a Shelter such as an ” Dish Wipe” Officer did with his retired Canine Officer RECENTLY and was allowed to stay on the force…. I THINK NOTUST LOOK AT THE LOVE AND GRATITUDE SHOWEN by these OFFICER”S … AWSOME to SAY the VERY LEAST!!!!!!!!111

  3. I’m glad they found the POS that killed the officer and did the same to him. Gets a low life out of society and the tax payers don’t have to support the POS the rest of his life. Keeping Indi in our prayers and hoping for a complete recovery and peaceful rest of his life for this hero K-9.

  4. It’s so very sad that people are content to just see an article and write a comment along the lines of ‘arrest the criminals’ ‘best wishes to the dog,’ while completely turning a blind eye to the torture that K9’s endure at the hands of their handlers and “trainers.”

    Believing the perpetrators’ P.R. lies is more comfortable, I guess, than having to do any real in-depth research on this military style K9 “training,” which is brutal. It is done in private for a good reason – because it’s no longer acceptable to the public. It used to be done right out in the open, but public opposition drove it underground, behind the scenes. It’s still there, but just lied about.

    Here is what the Free Thought Project wrote about it:

    “The use of dogs in police business is inhumane both for the animals, and the suspects who they are often unleashed on. Our society shuns animal abusers and people who raise dogs specifically for fighting, and rightfully so, but how are police dogs any different than an attack dog than a street gang breeds to be as aggressive as possible, for the purpose of winning money in dogfights and intimidating rivals?

    In many cases, these animals are often treated as nothing more than disposable weapons by the police that are in charge of caring for them. In fact, it is sadly common for police officers to get accused of animal cruelty for abusing or neglecting their dogs. Just this week The Free Thought Project reported that an officer was caught on video abusing his own search dog when the animal failed to signal for drugs at a traffic stop. It is also common for police to leave their dogs in hot cars for extended periods of time until they die.”

    If anyone is serious about caring about these dogs, then demand that K9 units be dismantled. The perpetrators have already proved that they will lie about what they’re doing, and then cover it up with flowery public relations propaganda, telling us the dogs are their “partners.”

    In what other type of partnership does one “partner” hang the other one to unconsciousness, kick him in the stomach and groin, keep him in solitary confinement in an enclosure out in the yard? That’s what goes on behind the scenes.



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